Thursday, July 12, 2012

first week of Haven

Needless to say, we love our baby girl.  She is a lot like when Odin was born.   Sometimes we even think they look a little alike.  But, that hair!  It is so cute.  Odin didn't have much at this age.  We are all doing well and just enjoying Zack being home and Haven being here.  Odin is the cutest big brother and always shares his favorite blanket, reads her books, and wants to pat her belly first thing in the morning.  He always wants to hold her.  My favorite part is when he gets his hands ready (he looks like he's going to bump a volleyball) and then he holds her for about 4 seconds and then hands her over.  He gives her little kisses on her head and it is never just one, usually 2 at least.  We feel so happy and blessed.  We're tired and trying to settle into some sort of routine but for the most part life has just been perfectly slow and peaceful this first week of Haven.


  1. Oh melt my heart!! Everything you blogged sounds so blissfully sweet! So happy for all of you! :)

  2. you are such a beautiful family! I am so happy for you :D she is gorgeous!!

  3. congrats again! she is just perfect:)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Oh beautiful baby! Don't you remember now how blissful this cuddly newborn time is? So fleeting and precious. I sort of forgot how much I love it every time. She is totally perfect. So glad you are just enjoying it. Way to go and congrats!

  6. So beautiful! I just love all of the pictures. So cute. Look how cute little Odin is with her, he is such a sweetie. :) Miss you.

  7. you look so beeyoutiful in all the photos! sweet girl...

  8. Ahh! What amazing pictures. She looks like Odin in the top right one, especially the mouth! Congrats again.
