Friday, June 8, 2012

29 things list updated

I almost forgot about my 29 things before I turn 30 list?  Well that 30th birthday is coming up in the next couple of months and the list deserves an update... well, really it needs a reality check.  haha.  So, here's the update: the list has been changed "to"9 things!  Get it?!

While I was serious about accomplishing these things, I didn't plan on a cross-country move or a pregnancy.  Even though I got a few items completed, the truth is that there is no way I am going to accomplish all that I wanted to.  I'm excited about this revised list!

1.  refashion something for me
2.  kids room decorated + find a kitchen table
3.  be on time to church each week
4.  fill my 120 page journal
5.  weed + plant some flowers  
6.  play the guitar and sing with my boys
7.  make some homemade bread
8.  sew something for my son and daughter
9.  read a book


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