Friday, November 4, 2011


While on our cruise last month, Zack was a contestant in the "game show" they had.  It was hilarious and I was so impressed with all the random stuff he knows.  He is always surprising me with his smarts and whit.  As you can see from the scores, he was leading pretty steadily then by the end it was a tie until finally...  he lost - see the bottom left photo.  I was so glad he did it, cause it was so fun!  The whole thing was really funny and my whole body was aching from so much laughter.  I felt very lucky that he was mine, especially when I heard that some ladies behind us said, "We love you Zack!" and "He's so cute!".  They were probably our moms' ages so it was no threat, just funny.  The game show was on the first night and for the rest of the cruise, admirers and fans would stop us in the hallway to say hi and offer congratulations on a job well done.  Hehe, my husband the game show contestant that all the old ladies think is so cute!  He is mine, and I know how lucky I am!

Happy Birthdate, Love!

1 comment:

  1. So funny. Love the part about the groupies. Cam loved this story.
