The Vermont Country Store. Ever heard of it? Ever been? I posted about it a while back and I had no idea I'd get to go so soon. This is a store with many of our old fashioned favorites; clothes, candy, toiletries, soaps, decor, pantry items, toys and much more. It was really fun to visit again.
The walls and counters of old school candy were awesome. The bottles of soda were so fun. They have dips, jams and jellies to try with yummy old classic biscuits and crackers. The decor was all vintage and so lovely. Some accent furniture was covet-able. While the old fashioned toys and books were my favorite part. I felt like a kid and I loved it!
Leave it to this part of the state to be beautiful with all of the classic old touches of the era. I really loved this little detour we took on our way home, even if it did set us back an hour or 3. Go visit the Vermont Country Store if you have a chance or shop online for some of the classics offered in-store.
The candy was expensive, .25 cents each for one of these babies. They look big in the pictures but they weren't. I got a few for fun so I could know what I didn't like for future online ordering's sake. Above are my ratings out of 5 for the 6 out of 7 candies I splurged on to try.
Horehound was so bad, it didn't even make the list. I almost forgot the old fashioned chewing gum I got. Clove, Beemans, Black Jack... I love these chewing gums, they remind me of my grandparents!
It's been 3 years and we have yet to visit Vermont... when I see you next, I am going to get all the information I can from you so I can recreate this beautiful trip!!! I was dying over the photos!