Wednesday, September 14, 2011

oh, lovely New Hampshire

In case you can't tell, this trip to New Hampshire was a very good one for me.  I felt so good there.  It was so different from city life and that is what is natural and comfortable for me.  I am not a city girl!  This is my last post about this particular vacation.  I just wanted to share all of the beauty. 

I mean, just look at the green everywhere.  And, that sky!

This is my lovely Aunt Drew and Uncle Will.  They are wonderful and I am glad I have gotten to spend time with them these last years that I've lived on the East Coast.  I hope I get to visit again soon!

I'll miss this charming little country town of Cornish.  Its home of small-town patriotic folks that are as neighborly as they come and also many covered bridges.  This is the longest wooden covered bridge in the United States and the longest two-span covered bridge in the world.  Pretty awesome.  

//  I can't wait to visit NH again soon!

1 comment:

  1. How beautiful! My husband keeps telling me we need to take a jaunt up to see his grandparents who live in NH, but I've never been.

    Your aunt and uncle look delightful!
