Tuesday, September 13, 2011

my today

Did anyone else run into this all day?  The Target site has been BUSY this entire day.  I just wish it was busy cause I was buying Missoni from it.  Nope, not the case.  Read on for the details of my great day.

Today I was looking forward to a few things - these are the details:

1.  Bible Study, as I like to call it - Bible study happened and it was nice.  I plan on going every week.

2.  Missoni for Target - Missoni for Target shopping went bad.  I was sad to find out that because I chose to go to Bible Study before I went to Target, I missed the items I wanted.  When I got there around noon, they were all sold out of most things including the 2 items I wanted.  Sad girl!  I have been a fan of Missoni since I was 12 and started to steal my sister's magazines.  I thought the day had come when I would actually own something Missoni.  That day is not today, unfortunately.  

3.  Unnur's visit - Our friend is coming to visit and she'll be here tonight!  I am really excited to host and show her the city.  Everything is ready, now we just need her.  Its going to be a great week.

*  So, as you can see, life is good.  I was just a little sad that I didn't become the owner of that Missoni throw and bowl that I had been eying.  Better luck next time!

//  To the kitchen to make chocolate creams!


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