Lately we've been using drying racks to dry our laundry. But with the 10 loads (accumulated before a vacation + vacation laundry) that I have managed to do in the last 2 days, there was need for more drying space.
I had the brilliant idea to make my own clothesline. After scouring the drawers, cupboards and closets for some rope, I found none. I did find duck tape, though. To make this story short because in all honesty this idea was short lived, the duck tape clothesline stretched apart and fell. This happened not once, but 4 more times until I decided to give up and use the dryer. Luckily the weather wasn't too hot so it wasn't too bad.
Note to self: Don't waste so much duck tape next time. Go out and get some rope or, better yet, just wait and don't do so much laundry at a time. Silly!
Note taken!
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