Friday, May 27, 2011

how to get things done as a new mom : a simple schedule

Since having a baby, I have really had to firgure out to get everything done.  There are only so many hours in the day when I am not wrangling, teaching, feeding, etc.  So, I needed to visually be able to see when my baby is napping and thus, can get things done, and when my baby is awake and thus, needs my attention.  Basically, when he is asleep, I get stuff done, as well as spend quality time with Zack. 

* The shaded in areas are when I am on Mom Duty.   Mom Duty is when I play with, talk to, teach, take walks with, snuggle, read to, and feed my baby. 

* The blank areas are when I am on My Time.  My Time is when I do dishes, clean, eat, shower, blog, read, craft/sew, nap, etc.   This time goes by so quickly it hurts sometimes.  But sooner than I know it, another nap comes again and I have another chance to be productive and get my things done.

//  I know this will change soon as he'll probably go to one nap soon and it will need to be perfected when I have another baby but for now, it is a fantastic visual guide.  Productivity for me comes when I can see my day in stages.  This has been a very helpful little schedule!


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