Grocery Stores: If possible, find a website of a grocery store in the country. Do you know a local? Ask them for suggestions. Hopefully the website will have a map of more than one different locations. For Iceland the store we'll use is Bonus. This map shoes the locations throughout the country.
Feeding a Baby: I want to make sure we feed our baby better than just PB&J's like we may have. So, I'll be bringing some plenty from home. He'll enjoy organic baby food pouches like these from Plum Organics (there are other brands). We'll bring lots
too. These freeze dried fruits
are genius, we'll be bringing a ton. Water is free from the rivers - it is the freshest, cleanest, best water I have ever drunk. I won't mind feeding it to my baby. It will be easy to feed the baby for cheap.
Feeding the Rest of Us: We try not to eat out more than once a day. And since we'll be driving a good part of the days and who knows how many places there will be to eat along the way, it will be a good idea if we have this planned out, sort of. We'll use some locations from this Budget Travel site while in Reykjavik. But for the rest of the trip and so we don't spend too much at Bonus, I'll also bring some things from home to ensure we stay healthy and happy.
cereal (we'll see about this, it will be powder before we land)
oats + craisins - just add water,
small containers of PB & J,
this nut mix from Costco,
Crystal Light Pure powder packets - just add water,
*with all of the just add water items, this is getting me thinking. I guess I need to bring some emergency TP. Its never a bad idea. Besides, we will be camping for a good part of the trip, who knows if we'll choose a camp ground with facilities. hmm, something else to consider.
Non-food Items: For baby - 1 sippy cup
and bottle, 2 spoons, 2 bowls and lids (filled with cereal), 3 bibs (we hear there aren't always washing facilities to use), cover for carrier. For us - 1 knife, fork & spoon, 1 sharp knife, 2 water bottles
, matches
What will we buy in Iceland? We'll buy some milk and cheese to have too. Some bread, some fruits and/or veggies. If lunch meats are not too high priced we'll buy and store that too. So, I guess that means I'll be bringing a little thing of mustard. It will save some cost when we get hot dogs (They are pretty popular in the country, they are mostly made of lamb)
How will we keep things from the grocery store cold? We have a little 15"x8" cooler we'll bring. I guess that means we'll be buying some frozen peas to keep things cold then for the baby to eat. Perfect!
All this talk about Iceland makes me want to go check out this place!