Friday, November 11, 2011

blog update

I'd like to thank you all for visiting my blog, not just today but for every visit you've ever made here.  Its nice to know I have readers, and if you've ever left a comment here, well, the thanks are many more for you then!

I wanted to let you know that I will no longer be regularly updating this blog.  I'll post now and again about major life events, shop updates and news but, it definitely won't be daily.

As always you'll still be able to find me elsewhere on the web:
     Etsy shop: LMT - Handmade
     Twitter: LMBlogs
     Pinterest:  Linda May
     Formspring:  LMTBlogs
     Facebook:  Linda May

...  Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I'll miss your posts! You inspire in me the desire to create more! Thank you!

  2. Yes I will miss them too! You are SO creative. But I understand :) Hope all is well with your little family! You need to get back west, I would totally take you out to lunch!
