Thursday, September 8, 2011

reading is good

Today is Intl. Literacy Day.  I thought it was the perfect holiday to celebrate on this rainy day.  I'm currently reading Unbroken.  Zack just finished it and really liked it.  The last book I read was a year ago or so (I know, that's sad).  So, its time to start another one.  I have to finish books I start so I am excited that this one is highly recommended.  Here are a few other reading related items:

I still have dreams of conquering this list of the classics.  Sadly, since I posted it months ago, I haven't read any others.  I am sure that will be different by the time my 30th birthday rolls around as reading is on my list

This Fall, I'll be reading more as I am a member of this book club.  
*  To help you choose what to read next go to "what should I read next?". 
*  Next on my list is Winds of War unless I can find My Life in France at the library.

//  I am so looking forward to relishing in every moment of Autumn this year.  It seems that its barely September and I am already in full Autumn swing.  Oh, its going to be a good season!

1 comment:

  1. This is a great list! I've barely touched the "new" classics (for me, post-1930). This will make for a helpful reference!
