Wednesday, September 7, 2011

living in the garden

We are back from our New Hampshire vacation.  There were so many things about it that I loved.  We were in the country!  There were trees, bugs, chickens, gardens, grass and fields, wild flowers everywhere.  These sunflowers survived the wrath of Hurricane Irene.   They were at least a foot and a half taller than me.  I'd never seen sunflowers that big before.  It was pretty cool.

You can sort of see that the house in the background is up on a hill sort of.  Well, my favorite thing that Odin got to do was roll down the hills around.  He laughed and laughed and kept coming back for more.  It was like a happy jungle there in the country.  I felt like a kid again and if it weren't for the hot humidity, I would have spent every second out side with my boys.  But it was sweltering so we mostly came out to pick veggies and roll down the hills for a while.  So fun!

Odin was very curious about the gardens.  (By the way, they have not just one but, two gardens!)  He would follow me in, I'd pick something and he'd want to hold it, then he'd try to put it back on the vine or in the ground.  It was sad to me that he hadn't experienced this before but I loved that he got to on this trip.  He couldn't seem to get enough of all the nature around.

I loved seeing all the food I had picked in the kitchen.  It was like when I was a kid.  I could eat all I wanted, and I did.  Every day was full of very wholesome eating.  Here is just one example of a meal we had.  That is all you can eat corn, mind you.  My favorite way this trip was corn on the cob rolled in butter, sprinkled with salt, pepper and Parmesan cheese. 

This trip was full of reminiscing, introducing Odin Boy to the outdoors and relaxing a lot.  I want so much of what I experienced in New Hampshire in my near future.  I want my child to grow up at least, with a garden and a yard to run around in.  If it came with lots of trees a stream in the backyard and wild flowers all around, I'd be very happy with that too.

//  I love New Hampshire!


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