We stole away this weekend. We're in New Hampshire. My Aunt has a beautiful home with a lot of yard, pool, garden, animals and toys for the baby. It has really been a fantastic trip already and this was the first day. We went on a little outing to the local market where my Aunt knows all 5 vendors by name since they are all from the same small town. We will be bringing back some lovely treasures including some NH Maple Syrup. (a note about maple syrup: never pour heated syrup back in the container, it will crystallize.) And my favorite part of town was that their town church is closed in the summers!
This is my dream place, minus a river in back or a lake close by. I love so much about this place. We spent the afternoon swimming, reminiscing, playing in the yard with the baby, and picking vegetables from the garden. I shucked a bunch of corn from the garden and we ate it tonight for dinner. Odin rolled down a grassy hill for the first time and that was sweet, hearing his dizzy giggles the whole time. He's been so happy exploring and wandering around in the grass. Its been so nice to see. I want my child to grow up in a place like this, not like the city. How can I make this happen? I will let you know when I find out!
// We are so happy that we have more days of this beautiful haven ahead.
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