Saturday, September 10, 2011

10 feel-good things / september

01.   eat apples, help your heart - I'll be making these apple treats this weekend.

02.   loosen up : do crescent pose - DO YOGA THIS MONTH, rack up the yoga hours.

03.   redefine easy listening - invest in better headphones not ear buds.

04.  stave off sickness under your own roof - wash hands more, disinfect daily, toss out old toothbrushes, avoid sharing utensils and glasses, always wash hands before eating.

05.   delete low fat from your vocabulary - just eat the real thing, its more natural this way, get this book.

06.   stock your pantry for better nutrition - buy better quality for the cupboard foods

*07.   ride your bike - summer is pretty much over but the weather is just perfect for family bike rides

*08.   read more - keep educating your self, its healthy for the brain and healthy for your imagination.

*09.   try something new - don't get down because its winter, try something in or outdoors you've been wanting to.

*10.   connect with an old friend - with the 9/11 anniversary this month, what better a time that this to reflect on those you love.  Don't let old friend ships be lost.  You never know when they'll be lost for good.

*  Items 7 - 10 were added by me.  My Martha Stewart Living magazine where I get these lists was not complete.  No big deal, I know plenty of things I can try to help me feel good this month. 

//  Enjoy your September!

1 comment:

  1. LINDA!!!!
    you would LOVE this, i wish we were there to see it.
    love you
