Tuesday, August 16, 2011

just words / no internet

What would you do if you didn't have the internet for 3 days?  If you don't know, you should try it sometime.  It is pretty crazy to see what your life is like without it.  

We just got our internet back tonight after not having it for 3 days.  It actually wasn't that bad.  The good parts were how we chatted a lot, we followed each other in whatever room the other was in just to spend time and continue chatting,  I finished projects, we moved around the apartment, cleaned a lot, I wrote in my journal, made some goals, exercised, read, plated more, cooked, and best of all: slept more!  

Life was really great for the most part without the internet until I needed to shop online.  I am so used to getting certain things online.  I also couldn't check for addresses in my email (currently my address book), change an appointment, and search for a lost package and other little but important and internet only things.  That part was pretty frustrating actually, since we have become pretty much dependent on the internet.    

However, I really liked not having the internet so, I am going to schedule my internet time to keep it to a minimum.  There are so many things I'd actually like to DO and MAKE than look online at things other people do and make.  I loved the actual free time that I had.  I got stuff done around my house just cause there wasn't anything else for me to do.  It was fantastic and I don't plan on loosing that now that I have the inter"webs" back.  



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